All of those online classes are independently of each other.

Creativity has accompanied me my entire life. Unfortunately, I never found the time to incorporate it into my busy working life. After I had to take a break from my normal life last year for health reasons, I reoriented myself and found my way back to creativity and Luminary Creations was born. Luminary Creations are ceramics with artistic designs that create individual reflections on walls and ceilings. Each piece is handmade by myself. Since good energy is very important to me, I have integrated Agnihotra Ash into all my works. Agnihotra is a Ayurveda fire ritual. Not only the ritual itself has an energizing effect, but also the ashes. So my designs are not only beautiful, but also harmonize the entire room. 

The first Modul – „The East- Side with its inner priest“ has finished and I’m looking forward to introduce you…

Mahalo - The East-Side with its inner priest

A 4 week long webinar which includes everything you need to fulfill yourself with your amazing inner wisdom.

This first Mahalo Webinar accompanies you along the way to your inner priest. 
– In the first week I show you with the Power Animal Sea Turtle and an past life regression, how you can easily let go of old not useful energies and memories and to bring back your own soul parts back. To bring all your soul puzzle pieces back together.
– In the second week, we work with your inner divine seed. I show you with an constellation work to see, feel and be aware of your inner seed. With the help of an Hawaiian god and goddess we integrate your own divinity and what you can do with it.
– In the third week, you learn to work with the frequency. To feel colors and what you can do with it.
– In the fourth week we meet your inner priest. We welcome and integrate the inner priest with a ceremony go in connection with this amazing wisdom inside of you.

Besides all that, there are many different exercises, breathing practices and day and dream journals for each project and much more. On 26 pages and with 14 videos and podcast I accompany you on your journey and share my wisdom and my work with you. On top, I give you a mini reading at the beginning, you choose when – and a mini reading at the end – also your choice when, to give you the chance to get out the best for you of this webinar.

Price: $199
Payable by PayPal, Venmo or Check.
Sent me an email an I will send you the Payment instruction. After I receive the Payment, I send you your access code.
I’m looking forward hearing and seeing you.
From Heart to Heart – Mahalo – Thank you

Mahalo The East Side with its inner priest

10 + 11 =

Heal your inner Seed

A different class!

With this Spray Set, you can heal the blockages of your own seed, your DNA. Which means healing from conception, during the entire pregnancy until the moment you entered this World. The first moment when you incarnated this lifetime. This Spray works together with your birthstone, birthboard and a booklet.

This spray-set supports and accompanies you, to help release with gentle and ease the blockages which are from this time and usually accompany you the entire lifetime.

How does this Set work…
There are eight sections – each section has an important moment of your own incarnation. From the conception until the delivery and after. you can work on each section how long you feel like – a week or a day or a month, depending on how fast or deep you would like to go through the process. While you putting your stone on your board you can read and be aware of those releasing and allowance you give your soul to heal and recover of those happened situations.
You then can repeat this course as often as you want. A refilling of the spray is possible.

Price: $49

Heal your inner seed

15 + 14 =